
Unlocking Energy Data Across Your Building Portfolio with Smart Meters

Written by Redaptive | Jul 17, 2024 5:11:01 PM

Sustainability leaders know how hard it can be to gather accurate data on their building portfolio’s energy use. Collecting and aggregating data across a distributed real estate portfolio can be incredibly challenging for management and investment firms with buildings leased using triple-net terms.

Yet, this information is important. Tracking energy usage is helpful for several reasons, including: 

  • Generating sustainability reporting to appeal to investors 
  • Complying with utility usage and emission disclosure requirements
  • Measuring baseline usage to develop a net zero plan 

Fortunately, a solution exists that enables real estate firms to obtain energy and water data in a systemic, scalable way: smart meters. Smart meters measure and record tenants' energy and water consumption in each building. Then, data is broadcasted to the internet and accessible via web platforms. This allows end users to access utility usage data in real time.

By automating data collection through smart metering, building owners can generate the inputs for sustainability reporting initiatives without wasting valuable resources tracking down utility bills from tenants or trying to obtain data from a patchwork of utility providers.

Reasons for Robust Utility Usage Tracking

A lack of accurate utility data can put companies at risk. However, usage tracking can help you pursue specific energy goals. The most important drivers for prioritizing accurate, robust energy usage tracking vary, including: