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Building Resilient Infrastructure with Energy Efficiency and Smart Metering

Think about the energy efficiency projects organizations around the world have tackled over the years. Google installed solar panels to leverage renewable energy. Walmart installed LED lighting in stores to reduce energy consumption. Nestlé instituted demand response programs to adjust energy use during peak demand times. Despite challenges along the way, these companies and others have stayed the course to improve their operations. Resilience is the ability to adapt regardless of circumstance.

Your organization can take steps to improve, too. Uncover the role of energy efficiency and how key upgrades can help you build a resilient infrastructure for successful operations.

3 Ways Energy Efficiency Enhances Infrastructure Resilience

Are your systems running at all hours of the day? Energy efficiency is critical for your facility’s operational resilience. Reducing your energy consumption extends the life of your equipment and generates savings to help the business. Consider some of the most substantial ways energy efficiency creates stability for continued success:

1. Reduced Operational Costs

It may cost a pretty penny to “keep the lights on,” but you can boost savings by supporting a resilient infrastructure. Research by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) reveals opportunities to keep more money in your pocket by participating in demand response programs or incorporating efficiency measures to reduce energy bills. 

You can also lower your building insurance premiums by prioritizing safety. Using energy-efficient systems reduces operational risks by decreasing the strain on electrical and mechanical systems. The advantage? A lower risk of equipment malfunctions and damage—and better rates due to your efforts to prevent costly claims.

On top of this, adhering to up-to-date building codes isn’t just a requirement, but a best practice that keeps costs in check. Keeping your building up to code ensures proper maintenance, making your facility less of a potential liability to insurers. 

2. Intelligent Data for Savings Opportunities

Technology can make a difference in your operational resilience and efforts to maintain a resilient infrastructure. Smart metering has taken the energy sector by storm to simplify monitoring. Smart meters offer granular, building-specific energy data, capturing insights from HVAC units, lighting systems, and more so you can uncover energy usage anomalies, monitor performance, and understand the costs of equipment ownership.

It takes you beyond the what of monthly energy usage to explain when it was used, where it was consumed, and why usage changed month to month. Using advanced insights, you can identify energy conservation opportunities, expose operational improvements, and unlock emissions savings. 

3. Increased Uptime

A facility that’s standing still loses money and fails to provide value. If a production line is down due to loss of power or failed equipment, your business can't produce as much or on time. As critical systems and infrastructure experience downtime, the resulting business disruption impacts your revenue potential. 

Energy efficiency provides backup power methods such as on-site solar power generation and battery storage to ensure continued operations and passive survivability. Additionally, proactive HVAC optimizations prevent outages that waste valuable time and money and help maintain habitable conditions. The longer your uptime, the more productive—and profitable—your operations can be.

Improve Your Resilience with Redaptive

Don’t underestimate the value of controlling costs or incorporating smart metering technology to support operational resilience. Working smarter and with an eye toward energy efficiency supports a resilient infrastructure so that, over time, your organization can keep doing what it does best.

Redaptive can help you achieve your goals. Our financing model supports businesses in making efficiency upgrades such as LED lighting and controls, HVAC optimization and replacement, and solar installation to reduce energy use and utility costs. 

Don’t want to wait years trying to get your project across the finish line? Redaptive helps you complete efficiency upgrades quicker than would be possible in-house alone. Instead of requiring upfront payment for the installation, Redaptive charges a saved energy rate so you pay over time.

Starting an energy efficiency project can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Energy-as-a-Service with Redaptive changes the game. Explore our approach in-depth and get in touch to discuss your project. 


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